Thank you!

28 June 2024 08:53

Dear donors,

In September 2016 the Massive Open Online Course De-Mystifying Mindfulness by Prof. dr. Chris Goto-Jones went live on Coursera, and in 2021 on FutureLearn as well. Over 180.000 learners joined the community.

In the spirit of the Mindfulness community, and the Buddhist concept of dana, or giving, which is closely related to the personal quality of caga, or generosity, we created a crowdfunding campaign to support all the goals of the course, including maintaining it for free. Nearly 700 learners of both Coursera and FutureLearn donated over the last 8 years.

Thanks to your generosity we have accomplished quite a few things, which includes

  • Yearly maintenance including to the introductory module that helps learners learn
  • An ebook written by Prof. dr. Chris Goto-Jones which will become available open access
  • Attention to some of the projects that were created in the Honours Track
  • A new module on Mindfulness, Trauma and Social Justice in 2021
  • A new module on Mindfulness, Nature and Land in 2021

We want to thank all donors for making this possible over the years. As we now go into a new phase, keeping the course alive but at a lower activity level, this crowdfunding campaign will be closed per 1st of July 2024.

With gratitude,

The Mindfulness team