Crowdfunding for Leiden University

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Our goal is to help fellow scholars from areas that are torn by wars and unrest. We want to help create a sustainable infratstructure for scholars at risk at Leiden University. Please consider donating to Scholars for Scholars Leiden and make a significant difference—help us establish a vital position for a scholar at risk, and be a part of building a lasting support system that champions academic freedom!Our initiative is supported by five dedicated ambassadors: Prof. Joanne van der Leun, Prof. Wim Voermans, Prof. Judi Mesman, Prof. Sarah de Rijcke, and Dr. Herlambang Wiratraman. With their support, we aim to create lasting change for scholars in need. Do you agree that assisting at-risk scholars is more than just a moral obligation, and that no academic is free until all academics are free to pursue and share knowledge? Do you want to help create an infrastructure for scholars at risk in Leiden, and the Netherlands? Then please consider donating. Your donation makes a crucial difference, safeguarding the future of academic freedom and ensuring that Leiden lives up to its promise of being a true Praesidium Libertatis - a bastion of freedom and a welcoming city for scholars in need. Thank you for your support! The board of the research programme the Effective Protection of Fundamental Rights in a pluralist world, Leiden Law School
Support Scholars for Scholars Leiden: A Sanctuary for At-Risk Scholars